Weegy: The theme of Sandburg's poem "Grass" is: forgetfulness.
User: What type of literature uses humor to point out the flaws and foolishness of people and society?
A. Tragicomedy
B. Satire
C. Rhetoric
D. Drama
Weegy: Satire is a type of literature uses humor to point out the flaws and foolishness of people and society.
User: A universal truth is one that readers
A. recognize as timeless and familiar.
B. realize is archaic and outdated.
C. accept as a fact in some cases but not others.
D. learn to agree with over time.
Weegy: A universal truth is one that readers recognize as timeless and familiar.
User: What is the climax in Willa Cather's short story "Paul's Case"?
A. Paul takes the train to New York.
B. Paul reads about his theft in the newspaper.
C. Paul jumps in front of the train.
D. Paul meets the boy from Yale.
Weegy: The climax in Willa Cather's short story "Paul's Case" occurs when: Paul takes the train to New York.
User: Thoreau writes, "When our lives cease to be inward and private, conversation degenerates" to become
A. seeking an advantage over others.
B. a fantasy about a fiction.
C. mindless and sterile.
D. mere gossip.