Weegy: If you intend to visit your grandmother, you should go now; visiting hours will be ending soon.
Which of the following would most likely be an entry in a sentence outline?
A. Education as a tool
B. Education as a pathway
C. Education beyond high school versus education beyond college
D. Education can change a person's life.
Weegy: Education can change a person's life. - would most likely be an entry in a sentence outline.
When creating a writing plan, which of the following should come first?
A. A brief summary of the conclusion
B. The first section of the body of the essay
C. The general idea of the essay
D. Material that will capture the reader's interest
Weegy: When creating a writing plan, Material that will capture the reader's interest should come first.
The key to description is
A. considering only what you think the reader already knows.
B. showing only the steps you consider important.
C. telling the reader how you would do something.
D. giving the reader enough detail to form a picture in his or her mind.