Weegy: D. the water table intersects the ground surface.
User: Limiting development on floodplains is effective because it
A. allows floodplains to absorb floodwaters with little harm to structures.
B. eliminates wide stream meanders.
C. is more expensive to build structures on flat land.
D. helps keep floodwaters within stream channels.
Weegy: Limiting development on floodplains is effective because it : allows floodplains to absorb floodwaters with little harm to structures.
User: In general, the largest component of bog soils is
A. water.
B. organic matter.
C. air.
D. living organisms.
Weegy: answer is b. Organic matter
User: Which of the following statements about soil formation is true?
A. The longer a soil has been forming, the thinner it becomes.
B. Precipitation affects the rate at which nutrients are removed from soil.
C. Hot, wet climates produce a thin layer of chemically weathered soil.
D. Cold, dry climates produce a thick layer of mechanically weathered soil.
User: The continental crust is made largely of
A. gneiss.
B. granite.
C. basalt.
D. limestone.
Weegy: The continental crust is made largely of B. Granite.
User: The downward sliding characteristic of ridge-push is the result of
A. uneven heat distribution.
B. paleomagnetism.
C. gravity.
D. seafloor spreading.
Weegy: C. gravity
User: According to the theory of plate tectonics, the
A. asthenosphere is divided into plates.
B. lithosphere is divided into plates.
C. asthenosphere moves over the lithosphere.
D. asthenosphere is not weak.
Weegy: According to the theory of plate tectonics, the lithosphere is divided into plates.
User: Earth’s inner core is solid because of
A. the composition of its rock.
B. its great diameter.
C. extreme cold.
D. immense pressure.