Weegy: The ozone layer protect us from ultraviolet rays.
How do farmers contribute to water pollution?
A. by dumping garbage into the water
B. by fertilizing their crops with nitrogen compounds
C. by fertilizing with sulfur dioxide
D. by not using fertilizers
Weegy: Farmers contribute to water pollution by fertilizing their crops with nitrogen compounds.
What does renewable resources mean?
A. means that the resource can be renewed by growth or by reproduction
B. means that resource can be renewed by replacing it with another resource
C. means that the resource can not be renewed
D. means that the resource can be renewed by recycling
Weegy: Renewable resources means that the resource can be renewed by growth or by reproduction.
Which of these is a common component of air pollution?
A. sulfur dioxide
B. nitrogen
C. insecticides
D. herbicides
Weegy: Sulfur dioxide is a common component of air pollution.