Weegy: Discrimination is unequal treatment.
User: Which amendment prohibited states from violating citizens' civil rights?
A. First Amendment
B. Tenth Amendment
C. Twelfth Amendment
D. Fourteenth Amendment
Weegy: Fourteenth Amendment prohibited states from violating citizens' civil rights.
User: The Civil Rights Act did all of the following EXCEPT?
A. prohibited inequality based on race, color, religion, gender, or national origin in public places, in public schools, in voting, in membership, and in federally-funded programs
B. created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to oversee equality in the workplace and help those aggrieved
C. prohibited inequality in matters of inheritance
D. made inequality in the workplace based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin against the law
Weegy: The Civil Rights Act did all of the following EXCEPT : made inequality in matters of inheritance based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin against the law.