Weegy: A synonym is a word that is similar in meaning.
User: Nelson's hobby is tinkering with small appliances.
Tinkering with implies that Nelson is unskilled at his hobby. You want to change the flavor of this sentence to show that Nelson is, in fact, quite skilled at his hobby. Which of the following should you choose to replace tinkering with so that the reader gets the right idea?
A. Repairing
B. Fiddling with
C. Messing with
D. Selling
Weegy: Repairing is the word you should choose to replace tinkering with so that the reader gets the right idea.
User: Increasing your vocabulary means
A. you'll write more lively sentences.
B. you'll spend less time on revision.
C. you'll write longer sentences.
D. you'll be able to spend more time reading.