Weegy: Alcohol affects the Limbic portion of the brain by - affecting emotions and memory.
User: speed sign is an example of a _________ sign.
A. regulatory
B. warning
C. guide
Weegy: A speed sign is an example of a REGULATORY sign.
User: Hallucinogens do not affect a person's perception, thinking, emotions and self awareness.
A. True
B. False
Weegy: Hallucinogens do not affect a person's perception thinking emotions and self-awareness. FALSE.
User: What does cross-addiction and cross dependence mean?
A. You can become addicted to drugs in different class even if you never use them.
B. You can become addicted to drugs in the same class even if you never use them.
C. You become addicted to all types of drugs.
Weegy: Cross-addiction and cross dependence mean - You become addicted to all types of drugs.
User: Alcohol is a ___________
A. depressant.
B. muscle relaxer.
C. Both A and B
Weegy: Alcohol is a -
and muscle relaxer.
User: If you accumulate _____ points in 12 months your license will be suspended for 30 days.
A. 18
B. 12
C. 24
Weegy: If you accumulate 12 points in 12 months your license will be suspended for 30 days.
User: If a person's body becomes so accustomed to a particular drug that it can only function normally if the drug is present, that person is ___________ the drug.
A. dependent on
B. tolerant of
C. reliant on