Weegy: "Don't ask me. I've been away in India for several years; and manners have changed so much that I sometimes don't know whether I'm at a respectable dinner-table or in a ship's forecastle." Pickering is trying to excuse Liza's "small talk".
User: Who says the following and why?
"I have learnt something from your idiotic notions: I confess that humbly and gratefully. And I have grown accustomed to your voice and appearance. I like them, rather."
Liza is explaining to Higgins that she will miss him.
Higgins is trying to keep Liza from leaving.
Pickering is teasing Higgins about going to India.
Higgins is making fun of Liza's dialect.
Weegy: I have learnt something from your idiotic notions: I confess that humbly and gratefully. And I have grown accustomed to your voice and appearance. I like them, rather." Higgins is trying to keep Liza from leaving.