Weegy: A sentence taken word for word from a book is called a direct quotation.
User: MLA style is typically used by authors and students creating writing projects in which of the following areas?
A. Business
B. Mathematics
C. Humanities
D. Medicine
Weegy: MLA style is typically used by authors and students creating writing projects in Humanities.
User: Which of the following is the correct format for an MLA in-text citation for an article with no known author?
A. (Title page)
B. ["Title" page]
C. "Title" page
D. ("Title" page)
Weegy: The MLA format requires that you use Author-page method of in-text citation.
User: APA style is typically used by writers and students creating writing projects in which of the following areas?
A. Humanities
B. Language arts
C. Literary critique
D. Social sciences
Weegy: APA style is typically used by writers and students creating writing projects in the: Social sciences.
User: Which of the following is the best reason for citing sources in your research?
A. Citation allows readers to retrace your steps and validate your conclusions.
B. Citation allows readers to judge the quality of your research.
C. Citation allows readers to investigate allegations of plagiarism.
D. Citation allows readers to read the works you've used in your research.
Weegy: Citation allows readers to retrace your steps and validate your conclusions. - is the best reason for citing sources in your research.