Weegy: The potential contributions of all response partners to delivering core capabilities during incident response should be incorporated into planning efforts. TRUE.
User: The National Response Framework is
Weegy: The National Response Framework (NRF) is part of the National Strategy for Homeland Security that presents the guiding principles enabling all levels of domestic response partners to prepare for and provide a unified national response to disasters and emergencies.
User: Cross-cutting Capabilities include:
Weegy: Cross-Cutting Capabilities include: Planning, Public Information and Warning, and Operational Coordination.
User: States request assistance from other states through interstate mutual aid and assistance agreements such as:
Weegy: States request assistance from other states through interstate mutual aid and assistance agreements such as: Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC).
User: A basic premise of the National Response Framework is that:
Weegy: A basic premise of the NIMS and National Response Framework (NRF) is that: Incidents should be managed at the lowest jurisdictional level possible.
User: . What is the relationship between the National Response Framework and the National Incident Management System (NIMS)?
Weegy: The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is a standardized approach to incident management developed by the Department of Homeland Security.
User: What is the relationship between the National Response Framework and the National Incident Management System