Weegy: The Mayflower Compact created the government the Puritans would follow.
User: How did William Penn come in possession of land in the New World
Weegy: William Penn came to be in possession of land in the New World by: The king owed his father money.
User: What happened to the Virginia company once Jamestown was settled?
Weegy: The Virginia Company went bankrupt once Jamestown was settled.
User: What’s Civilization relied heavily on hunting and fishing together food?
Weegy: The Algonquian civilization relied heavily on hunting and fishing to gather food.
User: How often were slaves freed in colonial America?
Weegy: Slaves were rarely freed in colonial America.
User: Why did North Carolina and South Carolina split into two colonies?
Weegy: North Carolina and South Carolina split into two colonies because: They had very different economies.
User: What happened to the settlement on Roanoke Island?
Weegy: What happened to the settlement on Roanoke Island was: When Sir Walter Raleigh left, they disappeared.
User: What was the result of Bacons rebellion