Weegy: If you are charged with reckless driving your case will most likely be presented to a court of limited jurisdiction.
User: To force a bill out of committee, a ____ petition must be signed by a majority of the representatives
Weegy: To force a bill out of committee, a discharge petition must be signed by a majority of the representatives.
User: Most house business is conducted within the committee of the whole because this arrangement
Weegy: Most House business is conducted within the Committee of the Whole because this arrangement: guarantees a quorum.
User: The House of Representatives has the special power to
Weegy: The House of Representatives has the special power to vote to impeach a government official.
User: Which of the following is a similarity between the United States Constitution and all state constitutions
Weegy: Bill of Rights is a similarity between the United States Constitution and all state constitutions.
User: Which of the following is not a power of the United States Congress
Weegy: Enforcing immigration laws. -is not a power of the United States Congress.