Weegy: The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is a standardized approach to incident management developed by the Department of Homeland Security.
User: Which organization is a multiagency coordination center generally staffed by ESFs in anticipation of or immediately following an incident?
Weegy: Regional Response Coordination Center is a multiagency coordination center generally staffed by ESFs in anticipation of or immediately following an incident.
User: 16. Who is the principal Federal official for domestic incident management?
Weegy: The Secretary of homeland security is the the principal Federal official for domestic incident management.
User: 15. A basic premise of the National Response Framework is that
Weegy: A basic premise of the NIMS and National Response Framework (NRF) is that: Incidents should be managed at the lowest jurisdictional level possible.
User: Which organization serves as the principal operations center for the Department of Homeland Security?
Weegy: National Operations Center serves as the principal operations center for the Department of Homeland Security.
User: Which Response core capability includes delivering essential commodities, equipment, and services in support of impacted communities and survivors, to include emergency power and fuel support, as well as the coordination of access to community staples?
Weegy: Logistics and Supply Chain Management includes delivering essential Commodities equipment and services in support of impact communities and survivors to include emergency power and fuel support as well as the coordination of accesses to community [ Staples.
User: Which of the following are core capabilities for response?
A. Cybersecurity; community resilience; and housing
B. Forensics and attribution; physical protective measures; and economic recovery
C. Interdiction and disruption; access control; and threats/hazards identification
D. Critical transportation; situation assessment; and ...