Weegy: A rule of thumb for cell phone or smartphone etiquette are: Silence your phone during meetings, Avoid checking your phone repeatedly for notifications, and Do not speak on your phone while in line at a cash register. [
User: ___ includes websites that encourage interaction and connection among people, businesses, and organizations.
Weegy: Social media includes websites that encourage interaction and connection among people, businesses, and organizations.
User: According to many experts how often should files be backed up ?
Weegy: According to many experts, the files should be backed up Daily.
User: According to your course, two benefits of a cloud based system are ____ and ___.
Weegy: Two benefits of a cloud-based system are data backup and collaboration.
User: An automated search feature used by search engines to find results that match your search terms is called a spider or _____?
Weegy: An automated search feature used by search engines to find results that match your search terms is called a spider or crawler.
User: which of these is one of the primary concerns for protecting your family when online ?
Weegy: Sharing personal information is one of the primary concerns for protecting your family when online.
User: email communication has its own set of etiquette guidelines for users to follow if they want to be effective communicators. Which of these is NOT one of these guidelines?
Weegy: Email communication has its own set of etiquette guidelines for users to follow if they want to be effective communicators. [ Indicate the topic of the email in the subject line is NOT one of these guidelines.
User: how can you best protect yourself when using social media ?
Weegy: Don't post photos that might include your debit/credit card, driver's license or other personal information. -best protect yourself when using social media.
User: if you want to refine your google search results by date, which options should you use ...