Weegy: Social and economic reorganization took place as machines replaced hand tools and large-scale factory production developed. -is how the Industrial Revolution impacted the American economy.
User: Which crop developed into the main cash crop in the South?
Weegy: Cotton developed into the main cash crop in the south.
User: What industry did politicians use to spread information about their own party and opponents?
Weegy: Politicians use NEWSPAPERS to spread information about their own party and opponents.
User: Which state joined the union in 1810 as a slave state?
Weegy: Missouri state joined the union in 1810 as a slave state.
User: Who was elected because of his appeal to the common people?
Weegy: Andrew Jackson was elected because of his appeal to the common people.
User: What power did Jackson use to keep Congress in check?
Weegy: Jackson used his power of VETO to keep Congress in check.
User: Why were canals and railroads important to American development?
Weegy: Canals and railroads were important to American development because both railroads and canals crisscrossed the states, providing a transportation infrastructure that fueled the growth of American commerce. [ ]
User: Who constructed canals?
Weegy: Private Investors constructed canals.
User: What cause did women work for in the mid-1800s?
Weegy: The African American vote cause did women work for in the mid-1800s.
User: What did people bring with them as they moved West?
Weegy: People brought their Culture and Belief with them as they moved west.
User: who painted scenes of the american landscape
Weegy: Thomas Cole painted scenes of the American landscape.
User: What happened to the Mandan Village after the Lewis and Clark expedition
Weegy: After the Lewis and Clark expedition a fort was established and many were killed by disease.
User: What was the Reign of Terror in France
Weegy: Reign of Terror in France was the purging France of ...