Weegy: Changing attitudes and studies by the National Institute on Drug Abuse have deemed marijuana to be a harmless drug. FALSE.
User: a dangerous type of drug created from marijuana or tobacco soaked in embalming fluid and of laced with pcp is known as an
Weegy: A dangerous kind of drug created from marijuana or tobacco soaked in embalming fluid and/or laced with PCP is known as a WETSTICK.
User: people may use depressants to relax or calm anxiety which of the following is not a depressant
Weegy: Tobacco is not classed as a depressant.
User: people may use depressants to relax or calm anxiety which of the following is not a depressant
Weegy: Tobacco is not classed as a depressant.
User: why do athletes take anabolic steroids
Weegy: Athletes take anabolic steroids: To improve athletic performance.
User: which of the following statements is true
Weegy: Provide the statements, please.