Weegy: Expected Actions within the Master Scenario of Events List (MSEL) includes: Verification.
User: Which enhancement is used to simulate hurt people if volunteers are limited?
Weegy: Mannequins are an enhancement used to simulate hurt people if volunteers are limited.
User: During the Controller/Evaluator (C/E) Debriefing, the data collected from the exercise is analyzed. Data analysis involves:
Weegy: As part of the Controller/Evaluator (C/E) Debriefing, evaluators: provide an overview of their observed functional areas and discuss strengths and areas for improvement.
User: The After Action Report (AAR)/Improvement Plan (IP) should contain:
Weegy: The After Action Report (AAR)/Improvement Plan (IP) should contain: basic exercise information, such as the exercise name, type of exercise, dates, location, participating organizations, mission area(s), specific threat or hazard, [ a brief scenario description, and the name of the exercise sponsor and POC.
User: All of the following are exercise-related data evaluators should record except:
Weegy: All of the following are exercise-related data evaluators should record except: Player jurisdiction and agency/organization.
User: The player hot wash provides an opportunity for evaluators to fill in gaps in their notes.
Weegy: The player hot wash provides an opportunity for evaluators to fill in gaps in their notes. TRUE.
User: You are an evaluator for a discussion-based exercise. What data would you record?
Weegy: You are an evaluator for a discussion-based exercise. Data you would record participant discussion.
User: The purpose of the After-Action Meeting (AAM) is to:
Weegy: During the After Action Meeting (AAM), participants should seek to reach consensus on strengths and areas for improvement, as well as revise and gain consensus on draft corrective actions.
User: Expected Actions within the Master Scenario of Events List (MSEL)
Weegy: Expected Actions within the Master Scenario ...