Weegy: When preparing food, you are allowed to wear a plain band wedding ring if gloves are worn over ring.
User: When heating food in the microwave, it must reach a temperature of:
Weegy: When heating food in the microwave, it must reach a temperature of 165 F.
User: Who in the food establishment is responsible for answering questions related to the food code?
Weegy: The person in charge (PIC), is responsible for answering questions related to the food code.
User: 7. Which one of these must be cooked to 155° F?
Weegy: Pork chops must be cooked to at least 155 F.
User: According to the Storage Ladder Protocol, which of the following statements is true:
Weegy: According to the Storage Ladder Protocol, Solid Tissue Meats should be stored above Ground Beef, is TRUE.
User: 11. To prevent cross-contamination, ready-to-eat foods should be stored on the: