Weegy: The Manchurian Plain is home to one-tenth of the world's population. FALSE.
User: Because of its proximity to the Ring of Fire, Southeast Asia often is threatened by massive and destructive waves called __________.
Weegy: Because of its proximity to the Ring of Fire, Southeast Asia often is threatened by massive and destructive waves called tsunami.
User: Despite the numerous fault lines in Asia, earthquakes are not common in South and Central Asia.
Weegy: Despite the numerous fault lines in Asia, earthquakes are not common in South and Central Asia. FALSE. [ ]
User: The Gobi Desert is Asia's largest desert.
Weegy: The Gobi Desert is Asia's largest desert. This is TRUE.
User: What are the major physical characteristics of the Asian continent? Provide an example of each type of landform.
Weegy: Himalayas, Ural Mountains, Kunlun Mountains, Arabian Desert, Gobi Desert, Takla Makan Desert, Thar Desert, Island of Japan, Mount Everest, [ Siberia -are the major physical characteristics of the Asian continent.
User: One of the earliest human civilizations in history settled along the Indus River.
Weegy: TRUE. One of the earliest human civilizations in history settled along the Indus River.
User: Because of its proximity to the Ring of Fire, Southeast Asia often is threatened by massive and destructive waves called __________.
Weegy: Because of its proximity to the Ring of Fire, Southeast Asia often is threatened by massive and destructive waves called tsunami.
User: This ecosystem is common in eastern and northern Siberia. Flora include mosses, summer flowers, and small shrubs. Animals include wolves, reindeer, foxes, and rabbits.
Which of the following ecosystems is described in the paragraph above?