Weegy: Concerned about the Catholic minority in Maryland, [ Leonard Calvert ordered the second Lord Baltimore to: Make a law requiring Catholics to practice their faith quietly and privately.
User: Which one of the following provisions was part of the first draft of the articles of confederation submitted to the second continental Congress but not in the final version
Weegy: Limited and restricted functions for the central government was part of the first draft of the Article of Confederation submitted to the Second Continental Congress but not the final version.
User: Who chooses the Prime Minister?
Weegy: The House of Commons chooses the prime minister.
User: The delegate who created the compromise for the constitution was
Weegy: Roger Sherman was the delegate who created the compromise for the Constitution.
User: For impeachment proceedings to begin, a president has to be accused of
Weegy: For impeachment proceedings to begin, a president has to be accused of a crime.
User: The process by which the constitution was approved by the states is known as
Weegy: The process by which the Constitution was approved by the states is known as ratification.
User: Although it seemed quite important in 1788, Amendment ____, barring the quartering of soldiers in private homes, is outdated.
Weegy: Although it seemed quite important in 1788, Amendment III barring the quartering of soldiers in private homes, is outdated today.
User: John Quincey has been a citizen of the untied states for 8 years. He is 27 years old. If John decides to run for Congress, what are his options,
Weegy: John Quincy has been a citizen of the United States for 8 years. He is 27 years old. If John decides to run for Congress, his option is: He can run for the House, but not the Senate. [