Weegy: Andrew Jackson became president: He gained the support of the common people.
User: Who invented the telegraph
Weegy: Samuel F. B. Morse invented the first telegraph in 1837.
User: Who designed the district of columbia
Weegy: Pierre Charles L'Enfant designed the District of Columbia.
User: ____ painted scenes of the american landscape
Weegy: Thomas Cole painted scenes of the American landscape.
User: What did George Stephenson invent
Weegy: George Stephenson invented the steam locomotive.
User: Why did great britain seize american ships
Weegy: Great Britain seized American ships because they claimed the ships were carrying French goods.
User: What was the role of women as industry increased
Weegy: They led the household was the role of women as industry increased.
User: Who construted railroads
Weegy: Private investors constructed railroads.