Weegy: An Incident Commander's scope of authority is derived From existing laws, agency policies, and procedures, and/or Delegation of Authority.
User: When the supervisor-to-subordinate ratio exceeds manageable span of control, additional Teams, Divisions, Groups, Branches, or Sections can be established. Which NIMS Management characteristic does this describe
Weegy: Modular Organization is the NIMS Management characteristic described when the supervisor-to-subordinate ratio exceeds manageable span of control, additional Teams, Divisions, Groups, Branches, [ or Sections can be established.
User: Which Incident Type do these characteristics describe: some or all of the Command and General Staff are activated as well as Division or Group Supervisor and/or Unit Leader positions, the incident extends into multiple operational periods, and a written IAP is required?
Weegy: Type 3 - Incident Type is described by these characteristics: some or all of the Command and General Staff are activated as well as Division or Group Supervisor and/or Unit Leader positions, the incident extends into multiple operational periods, and a written IAP is required.
User: Mutual Aid Agreements ________________________________.
Weegy: Mutual Aid Agreements assist agencies and jurisdictions when existing resources are inadequate.
User: Who generally facilitates the Operational Period Brief?
Weegy: The Planning Section Chief generally facilitates the Operational Period Briefing.
User: Which statement below correctly describes how to manage span of control using the modular concept?
Weegy: Span of control is accomplished by organizing resources into Teams, Divisions, Groups, Branches, [ [ or Sections correctly describes how to manage span of control using the modular concept.
User: Which type of briefing is delivered to individual resources or crews who are assigned to operational tasks and/or work at or near the incident site?
Weegy: Field-level briefings is ...