Weegy: Too much socializing in a workplace can keep you from reaching your performance goals.
User: A current relationship is one that what?
Weegy: A current relationship is one that is active now.
User: Reinforcement is the what in a relationship?
Weegy: Reinforcement is reward in a relationship.
User: Asking your supervisor if you’re doing something correctly is a way to request what?
Weegy: Asking your supervisor if you're doing something correctly is a way to request feedback.
User: A relationship can be damaged by what?
Weegy: A relationship can be damaged by not meeting expectations.
User: In human relations, the irritation threshold is the what?
Weegy: in human relationships, the irritation threshold is the: point at which a person notices something and becomes annoyed.
User: What type of relationship involves people who don’t share the same status is what?